Your Footprint. Australia’s Trees. Our Future.

Our current planting projects

Each year we undertake and support a range of projects that increase canopy cover and biodiversity, and that have positive climate, health and wellbeing outcomes.

We support a number of landholders to develop at scale, mixed native species planting projects on their land.

Cranbrook biodiverse carbon planting site
Three people in beanies and dark jackets surrounding a small shrub.

Bencubbin, WA

Traditional Owners: Ballardong Noongar
Why It’s Important: Located on a working farm, this planting includes native sandalwood and will create a natural wind buffer to reduce erosion, improve soil quality and restore biodiversity to the area.

Women crouching next to planting rows holding a clipboard.

Borden, WA

Traditional Owners: Koreng Noongar
Why It’s Important: We’re working with industry experts to test how well a variety of native trees grow and sequester carbon on salt-affected land. The results have the potential to improve the approach to tackling salinity across Australia.

Lady in orange high-vis and man with black jumper and hat holding seedlings about to be planted.

Brookton Saltland, WA

Traditional Owners: Ballardong Noongar
Why It’s Important: This project aims to restore health to degraded land that has been badly impacted by salinity and water logging. By revegetating the area with a biodiverse mix of salt-tolerant species, the aim is to prevent further degradation and provide shelter for native animals and livestock.


Brookton Sandalwood, WA

Traditional Owners: Ballardong Noongar
Why It’s Important: After decades of extensive clearing, much of the soil in this region is fragile and prone to wind and water erosion. By planting a biodiverse mix of species, including native sandalwood, the aim of this project is to stabilise and regenerate eroded land, and encourage the return of biodiversity to the area.

Woman standing next to a small tree in a paddock

Cranbrook, WA

Traditional Owners: Minang Noongar
Why It’s Important: This project is located on a working farm next door to the Stirling Range National Park. The aim is to create wildlife corridors that connect to the Park, as well as plant areas at risk of salinity to maintain the overall health of the land.

Drone photo of trees planted in rows of red dirt

Eurardy, WA

Traditional Owners: Nanda
Why It’s Important: Located in one of only 36 global biodiversity hotspots, Eurardy is home to more than 500 native plant species. This project will restore native vegetation to more than 1,300 hectares of cleared land – protecting the land from further degradation and habitat loss.

Gabbin, WA

Traditional Owners: Ballardong Noongar
Why It’s Important: This property has experienced severe wind and water erosion in recent years. By planting a mix of native shrubs and trees, including native sandalwood, our aim is to protect the land from further degradation and create habitat for native fauna.

Two men standing in-between rows of seedlings on a grassy hill

Nimbin, NSW

Traditional Owners: Widjabul
Why It’s Important: A combination of bush regeneration and planting, this project will create a wildlife corridor near two national parks. The aim is to restore previously cleared grazing land to a thriving forest, increasing habitat for a range of endangered species, including koalas.

Lady holding a tree planting device and a bucket of seedlings with mountain range in the background

Porongurup, WA

Traditional Owners: Minang Noongar
Why It’s Important: This site is directly adjacent to Porongurup National Park – an area known for its astounding biodiversity. Having previously been cleared for agriculture, the landholder wishes to restore native vegetation and canopy cover to the property; ultimately providing a place for tourists to camp amongst the trees and connect with nature.

Tambellup Rangers hand-planting seedlings in newly ripped planting rows.

Tootanellup, WA

Traditional Owners: Minang Noongar
Why It’s Important: Forming part of the much larger Gondwana Link Project, this planting provides a strategic link between nature reserves. A biodiverse species mix has been designed to replicate the remnant bush surrounding the site with the aim to increase habitat for native animals and restore biodiversity.

Planting rows with native bush in the background

Warralakin, WA

Traditional Owners: Kalaamaya Country
Why It’s Important: This project will restore native vegetation to cleared parts of an ex-farming property; extending an existing Nature Reserve and providing habitat for a range of woodland species. The project will also connect areas of existing bush, creating wildlife corridors for native fauna, including the endangered Malleefowl.